♥ Monday, January 29, 2007
brooding over xwl's accident.
im really sad. so many times that i almost cried.
even at flh's autograph session.
sucha a nice amiable girl like her, i believe she will turn into an angel.
i miss her.
but still..........
bye weilun.
(having tears in my eyes even while blogging! =( )
elaborate more next time. AFTER MY TWO TESTS. hais.
♥ Saturday, January 27, 2007
lemme recall, all i could rmb are:
theres one friday when i came home after cmsk and helping jas with printing and handing up her assignment and all. then reb called at 8+pm asking me to eat dinner with her. then yeah, met up and had mac and watch shows with my laptop. with eetuek falling down singing U. hahaha. and yeah alot gua gua loitering and hiding behind scenes really funny.
then another day was i met her after school. met and accompanied her to get her cds art stuffs at art friend. then she ate mos and i accompanied her cause i wasnt hungry. and after that i had pepper lunch instead.
ok totally cnt rmb alr..
another day, met her at town's mos. yes, like what she claims, 55 mins.
pepper lunch again, the queen was craving for it lah. so no choice even i had no interest in eating. and corns were =(
but met cute thai boy! =)
and i almost stupidly bump into cute thai boy's friend. then reb say he kept staring even until we were quite far away. he should have just walk up instead lah. hahah
sat arnd at the top level of taka, cause we really had nth to do and began bitching about ppl then went toilet. photos and all.
then started on the hunt for daren(reb's bro). hhaha.
then i was abit loud about the two guys at pastamania. ahaha. sorry i really didnt mean it.
then had 'dessert' at the village. the LP AND ALL. ok i mean rosti. crepes and strawberry icecream. i like the crepes. not the lp.
and got ah beng cute boy who made us guess whether hes an ah beng.
yeah, then i rushed hoop assignment 2 task 1 and 2. ok lah i mean hakim helped me with it. then i had not enough slp. and end up lkh was replaced with paul phua cause he had meeting. ok lah. he nv really check. but i corrected one of my error and junyang helped me with the sleep method.
ate with the rest and home.
i will seriously look like some crap tml. yeah, all because of flh, ok i mean self-entertaining and fooling arnd, i have yet to mugg for my oopg JAVA lab test tml. and i skipped school today for the them. comm skills tutorials smmore. no warning letter please. i know its doomsday tml. and i shouldnt be here now. but i need to rant.
ARGHHH. but im so glad and rather relieve that i'll have one lesser paper to mugg before mon. because i think wds is on thurs instead of mon. oh yeah. but i still have cmaths1. OH I FORGOT TO MENTION I GOT DAMN HELL PASSED MY CMATHS2 CLASS TEST 2. USING MY OWN ABILITY. YES, IM SO HAPPY =D.
will blog bout stuffs soon. but it is always when i open up blogger, i will lose the mood of blogging. sigh. more effort needed.
OKAY i need to mugg now, no more time to waste. wish me good luck.
紅毛, dont think u are from party boys and u have rights to be rude to us okay! (btw, so u are the tower boy haha)
♥ Thursday, January 25, 2007
im stucked doing hoop's task 1 and 2. needa wake up at 7am later. and i have not embarked on the assignment. so wth right. and the prob is i dunno how to do.
yes i need mr kimmy's help, alot. pls help!
blog bout stuffs other days. NAH.
♥ Tuesday, January 23, 2007
im so determined that i drowned in the world of reformatting my computer that i skipped school today. and of cause, yes, i successfully revived the god damn dawdling laptop.
at the rate it starts now, im feeling so relieve. aha!
and thanks to wen for her ext harddisk =D
i really want a pink vaio! birthday present anyone? hahahas.. i want i really want!
got back my pink mozilla, some new features.
and yes, i totally forgot about having dcnk practical test tml. i shall go and use liting's lecture notes now first.
♥ Sunday, January 21, 2007
in yuan wei's blog (wesley's entry), out of 38 comments. 17 of their concern are on kunda.
actually after reading the blog part upon reaching the comments section, im already expecting people to ask about WHERE IS KUNDA. alright. so within my predictions, there were. in fact half of it.
actually i also want to know WHERE IS KUNDA? as in is he still in party boyz? WELL, so far, none explained. SO COMPLICATED CAN. shows with party boyz without him going. yet mr asshole kunda appeared in xiao zhu's concert as a member of party boy. and then wesley introduced the 8 members (excluding kunda).
i wonder what color boy will he be if hes still in party boyz. haha. i guess no more color suitable for him? and what position? dont tell me bi bi ren can alr. i bet he has a higher position than that.
all in all, i wonder how many can uds what im trying to imply here. maybe 1 or 2?
HAHA. what a time to talk about this nonsensical topic now. off to finish up xiao zhu's concert. ITS 5.15pm now! ahahaha
♥ Saturday, January 20, 2007
HAHA. in a flash, i changed my blog song to kt's way of love.
actually initially decided on ai zhuan jiao. but wait till i grab hold of another version first.
watching zhuan jiao*yu dao ai now. k lah not bad. i think that guy is sweet.. but not really v good looking.
wk 14 - dcnk practical test
wk 14 - hoop task 1 and task 2
wk 14 - oopg lab test
wk 15 - wds quiz
wk 15 - cmaths1 test
wk 15 - dcnk case study 2 submission
wk 16 - wds final website submission
wk 16 - hoop assignment 2 submission
wk 16 - hoop assignment 2 evaluation
wk 17 - wds website presentation
wk 17 - cmsk3 formal op
wk 17 - hoop lab test
wah lao, by just looking at it i sense the fright lah. i doubt i can cope well.
but motivation is -
think i'll study for dcnk practical test, oopg lab test, wds online quiz and do hoop task 1 and 2 for the upcoming week first. seems like i wont be available for the weekend. sigh.
♥ Friday, January 19, 2007
wanted to change my blog song to 七彩棒棒堂. then i paused and reconsidered. hahaha. think next time lah. its such a miracle. because i think it still turned out nice. as in with they horrendous voice. (thinks of mr-no-tempo, wl)
anyway i changed to Kanfuu fighting.
something like kanjani8 trend fight on. ok i mean kanjani7. i think have to admit is news6 and kanjani7 alr lah. like wth.
spot the chinese words yokoyama said.
oh i finally got johnny's countdown 2006-2007 with SUBBSS. clear too.
oh and i think xiao zhu's ??角 is nice.
laughed so many times at cute boy since yesterday at the lab. haha. we laughed right in his face lah. and then hes reaction was so =.=. hhahaa. open house starts today for tp. haha. that starwars guy heard me saying i wanna whack him since he cnt see. and he came and ask who was the one who said wanna whack me ah. wah lao.
cmsk3 report submission tml. wah lao. im not done yet. RESEARCH. i dont feel like paraphrasing. but in that case im plagiarising. argh.
♥ Tuesday, January 16, 2007
yes i self-declared a holdiay myself today. im sick lah, cannot be making myself creep out of bed just to go to sch right.
anyway, i shall be a hardworking girl and hopefully i will do self-learning on the lectures today and mugg for cmaths 2 test 2 tml.
yes, i finally got SMTOWN winter 2006. yes, meaning i got tic! toc! already. my favorite suju song now. haha.
saw cute boy and decent all by the lift. hahaha. cute boy i think u are always acting quiet infront of us. decent looks like yang yang also. now i think the whole tp is full of yang yang. ben ben was rather funny. nodding.
anyway, now i sudd rmb, i think it was toad who passed me his germs during oopg. kepting irritating me can! and kel also. =.=
oopg lab test on 27th, sat
dcnk practical next week.
gawd, i dont think im able to withstand the workload. rescue me pls.
♥ Sunday, January 14, 2007
do all friends sound the same? or are they just trying to be a duplicate. i cant quite stand it when i see similar typings though. but nvm, close one eye.
anyway, im in the mid of oopg assignment. completed my dealer class and vehicle class. i dont know how to continue to vehiclemart class though. so i doubt i can do vehiclemartapp driver class. HOW. i need help tml, i mean later.
went to eat dinner at malaysia just now with my mommy, dad, bro and their colleages. yummy black pepper crab. =P im craving for it now alr.
hope i can finish the assignment by tml's afternoon. then finish up the upcoming week's tutorials. and mugg a lil' for cmaths2 class test 2.
postponed my basic theory test to half a month later. because they are coming and i think will clash with my lesson. shit.
i thought wds quiz is going to be in wk 13, but its in wk 15.
im anticipating chinese new yr, the festival i love the most. the atmosphere is so undescribable. oh yah i wanna get my wedges.
bbt 4th elimination, nobody is eliminated. xiao fu left bbt though.
god bless. amitabha. muahahas.
♥ Friday, January 12, 2007
i have sucha good news to break.
firstly, i passed my hoop! that was like so damn fortunately.
secondly, mr lim didnt make me redo my assignment.
pls call me miss lucky.
anyway i think my this sem's results improved. at least i felt so myself.
i mean i improved i didnt say i did extremnly well.
even for cmsk3, i got i think B+ at least till now.
not forgetting the unpresentable F last sem. so isnt me on the track?
oh! but miss ng says we are all off track for the draft of body.
i hope i can get the nonsense back on hand.
flh is coming on the **th of jan. i have school that day. SO, pls take BR. thanks.
oh uchi and kusano are back........ nevertheless, there are always good and bad side.
the bad side is, they are only back as trainees. HEY. how you make two popular pretty boys begin from scratch again. what a mental and physical torturement to ryo. eh no, i mean to uchi and kusano.
(so much for the upcoming week. gambatte!)
- oopg assignment dued on monday.
- cmaths2 class test 2
- cmsk3 report body submission.
i feel like doing wds now though. i wanna redo my website! no baby colors again thanks agnes er!
♥ Wednesday, January 10, 2007
i read up about 翼勢力. so they are a dance group which dance like ---. and they are the few who commented they can dance better than energy. i still energy is better(when they were 5).
the cutest i can find is 秋凡. from the start i see him i was like who the hell this guy resembles.
scratches my head and YES! its YUICHI.
the most TSKK is 元太. HURH.
ok and i just read their wretch and i saw this on 秋凡's into .
HAHA just like what i say, maru lookalike.

percentage of resemblance: 90%. HAHA
alright, till now i got back 5 term test papers. as expected i flung my cmaths2. damn. but nvm lah. im always weak at maths. so what if im giving myself excuse. but i promise to strive for the class test 2 next week.
oopg - C+
dcnk - B+. knn one mark more and its A ok.
cmaths1 - A
wds - D
cmaths 2 - F!!!!
yeah i strive for a b c d f! all the grades. lol
anyway i expect to get another F tml for hoop lah. i suck at java. look at oopg. its only a C+. just like what i got for prsp. HAHA. im always at that level.
there will a be so called hoop test tml. and i only wanna start studying now. HAHA.
cmsk draft of body dueing on friday.
oopg assignment submission on this following monday, yet i haven start yet. i can forsee 1hr's sleep.
cmsk body submission.
cmaths 2 test next week.
dcnk case study 2 due on week 15.
i wanna redo my wds website. inspiration plurleaseeee.
♥ Wednesday, January 03, 2007
im so happy. because mr monkey is back to bbt. YES. woohoo. im so looking forward to dling this episode. but knn my network is outrageous these few days. utterly too much, it hadnt been working(as in for my bc). the episode before this is only 7% done. damn it.
i think im really depriving of sleep. mommy is urging me to sleep early now. i slept for a bare 1 hour this morning. couldnt even hear my alarm, was woke up by jasmine's msg. got a shock. then went to sch at 9 am just to hand in the assignment. den went to wen's house. watched huayang and fell asleep. woke up at 1.30pm to go sch again.
dcnk was fine. a change of teacher. well, im looking forward to getting back dcnk term test though.
went to eat at cafe then went tm's popular to get stuffs while waiting for weeleng. met niven.
den wl sent me home.
yawns. damn sleepy. but i wanna watch 9pm and 10pm's show. lol bye.